(Note: This letter was written in real-time and sent to the members of the US Supreme Court and Congress in February 2022.)
To read the entire letter, Click Here.
Few situations better illustrate the critical need for the whole truth to be told to the American people than does Covid-19, the accompanying mandates, and how it is that we came to the extreme point of enforced inoculations. This is because few situations better illustrate the fact that the greatest mistakes in life are made by both individuals and nations when they are unnaturally forced or blinded by fear and irrationality; while the greatest atrocities are committed against civil liberties in environments rife with manipulation and intimidation, and hostile to enlightened thinking, pure religion, and the free exchange of information.
While the threat of Covid-19 is obvious and real, and there has been consequential suffering from it, what has driven the panicked, overreaching response that we have witnessed is not the actual threat itself, but rather the dramatic inflation of that threat. This has become more blatantly obvious with each passing month, as more and more drastic measures make less and less sense. Only a balanced, whole rational approach to a scenario like Covid-19 can effect more overall good than harm, and only in the full light of truth can health and life be maximized and suffering minimized.
Never in American history has such an extreme and rapid succession of blatant, unconstitutional actions been inflicted on the American people more than what has occurred during this stated pandemic and in the name of public safety – culminating in the potential disenfranchising and persecution of an entire segment of the population of those who rightfully and rationally choose not to be inoculated with a vaccine that can only be termed experimental.