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Update – November 5th, 2024

The most essential thing to be done today from a spiritual perspective is to pray for the country and for the rightful outcome of this election.

The most essential thing from a governance perspective that Republican leaders and all those who are charged with defending this country can do is to be fully prepared for the potential onslaught of fraud, malfeasance, and illegalities in the 2024 election.

The failure to defend the 2024 election and fully investigate, try, and expose the manifold malfeasance associated with it has resulted in unimaginable amounts of chaos, disorder, misery, pain, and suffering both in America and worldwide. It is also one of the main reasons why this election—which literally should be a landslide of historic proportions—is even remotely close.

Now those leaders who failed in 2020 will have a chance to redeem themselves in 2024 — should the situation present itself.

No matter the outcome of the election, however, all forms of fraud, election interference, corruption, and law-breaking related to it—no matter from what quarters—need to be fully investigated, exposed, and punished.

Our election system must be returned to the trusted system of yesterday.

Update – November 4th, 2024

Strengthen the Nation – Introduction





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Save Our Nation: A Critical Message to America First Leaders and Others

By Jay Etzel — October 24, 2024

If you want to help save the nation and see America healthy, strong, and vibrant again but feel overwhelmed and somewhat hopeless because the magnitude of the darkness is spreading so rapidly across our land, there’s something that you can do that may single-handedly change history for the better. That is, you can go from being a passive observer of events to an active participant through prayer and fasting.

If Christians and all concerned Americans stand up for their country now, as well as their God-given, natural rights, then we can win the country back. If we do not, we deserve exactly what we get.