Who Should Participate?

Every single person who loves our country is concerned about the election, cares about the country’s future, is a Christian, or has any pure faith in God and desires Him to superintend in this election and beyond should participate.


There is no one—no matter what their position is or how influential or well-known they are or what role they’ve already played in helping to defend the country and expose the corruption that is ruining it—who is not only needed to participate in this way but also needs to participate in this way for their own sake.

From President Trump himself to every House and Senate member, to every conservative media host, podcaster, influencer, and cultural or business leader – must enter into this realm a prayer (and fasting) because it is the one thing that is most critical.

In short, every single person who cares about America needs to step up now in all ways ( we must do all things in all realms ), and fasting and praying are one of the absolute fundamentals of what needs to happen and are acid tests of how far in this time of great need.