Save Our Nation: A Critical Message to America First Leaders and Others

Introduction and Summary Points — (Click here to read the entire message)

“Men will either be ruled by God or by tyrants.” –William Penn

“Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked.” –Proverbs 25:26

“The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought.” –Samuel Adams

Dear House and Senate Members,

This message is an explicit warning and strong encouragement to all America First leaders—including Republican House and Senate members, President Trump, Independents, solid Democrats, and leaders from all backgrounds—regarding the state of our nation and what needs to be done to save it from the path of certain destruction that it is now on.

  • We are living in unprecedented times in terms of the comprehensive level of evil, degeneracy, lawlessness, mass deception, propaganda, and corruption that is being aggressively leveled against our country, the American people, and humanity at large.
  • The whole nation is in a state of emergency, and America’s future is on the line. If the American people and their leaders do not wake up in time to the reality of the severe critical moment that we are in and act decisively and clearly to defend the country, America as we know it will be finished.
  • The astounding and dire problems that America is facing have both natural and spiritual causes and, therefore, require both natural and spiritual solutions. When the moral and spiritual crisis is reversed and truth and righteousness restored, so too will all other crises be reversed.
  • It has been a crisis of leadership over time that has, in large part, created the conditions that have now made our nation the most vulnerable to subjugation and annihilation in its history – as denoted by the many crises that we now simultaneously face, including the very real threat of nuclear conflict.
  • No nation can prosper without strong, moral, ethical, and wise leadership. This is especially true of America, which was founded on this very concept of leadership.
  • Without having God, our leaders will fail the nation at the most critical moments. They will simply lack the courage, conviction, and strength to do what is most essential at the most critical moments.
  • The projection for America, according to all precedence of history, spiritual law, natural law, and the principle of causality, is one of ruin, collapse, and subjugation.
  • We are living in a post-political world where politics is no longer about truth and vigorous, healthy exchange of nuanced differences but instead about good vs. evil, protecting the fundamental order of things, and the survival of a nation.
  • To the degree that Republican and America First leaders thoroughly investigate, expose, reverse, and bring to account all of the corrupt, illegal, destructive, and immoral actions against America and the American people will be to the degree that they do their job and are great in their day. To the degree that they fail to do this, will be to the degree that they fail to do their job.
  • If America’s leaders are going to be effective and on the right side of God and history, a dramatically new and elevated sharpened approach to leadership must be taken – one that centers on true spiritual strength, reliance on God, courage, wisdom, and a relentless pursuit of truth and justice.
  • The country cannot be unified, made whole, or move forward until truth, justice, first principles, and moral authority are reestablished in American governance.
  • Additionally, certain major events—such as the 2020 presidential election and the COVID lockdowns/vaccine mandates—were so great in the scope of the sheer damage to the nation and to the American people that until they are reconciled and the truth is told about them, the country cannot move forward fully or be made whole.
  • Before addressing major problems and conflicts in the world (such as Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Hamas, etc.), we must first address our own major problems and internal conflicts, for it is in the absence of a strong America that all these other situations flourish.
  • The despotism, degeneracy, dishonesty, and irrationality that are now becoming part of the working philosophy of the Left directly oppose every concept of truth and reason that was responsible for not only America‘s existence but for the very foundation of Western civilization itself.
  • A new great awakening, both spiritual and cultural – one that touches every aspect of
  • our society – is the greatest need of our times. A complete sweeping course correction and radical return to enlightened society and the fundamentals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are exactly what is required now if America is going to thrive again.
  • Those who are in any way participating in the destruction of our country are ultimately bringing dishonor, recrimination, and reproach upon themselves. They are known in part now but will be further known in the near future for who they are and what they are doing.
  • The first purpose of Congress (through its multiple responsibilities) is to protect the wholeness and sanctity of this nation and the peace, prosperity, and freedom of the good people of our country. Any leader from either party who does not now forcefully, soundly, unequivocally, and entirely reject, expose, and work to reverse the clear and established pattern of rising tyranny in all its forms in America is a leader who is no longer fit to serve.
  • Great nations that collapse do so in stages and by degrees and have many clear indicators and predictors along the way—including the relative silence and impotence of many otherwise good people and leaders. History indicates that America is somewhere in the middle stages of a collapse and takeover.
  • No greater understanding is needed by those individuals who are supporting the “Cabal” that is destroying our country in any capacity – whether actively or passively – than to know that who and what they are supporting can only eventually bring them, their loved ones, and the country loss of quality life, loss of potential, misery, pain, and suffering.

Overview – What is Happening in America

Our beautiful country is under attack and is in peril. It is being taken right from under us, as things that were once unimaginable are now happening in plain view. A certain malignancy of corruption and degeneracy has been spreading across our land in recent years as a growing insurgency of virulent dark forces and assorted elites and despotic power-driven individuals have gained control and influence over key areas of cultural governance.

This “cabal” is undermining the nation by systematically destroying its foundations across every sector of society. In the process, when they can, they are using our laws, systems, and even our goodwill against us while also using and taking advantage of the vulnerabilities, weaknesses, ignorance, and short-sightedness of leaders, businesses, educators, entertainers, athletes, and millions of unsuspecting Americans who have fallen under their spell to do their bidding and promote agendas, whether actively or passively.

We are now at the point where core institutions, once trusted by the populace, often no longer serve the people’s interests and do not cohere to moral and spiritual truth.

This is not a conspiracy, nor is it hyperbole. It is a statement of fact that is recognized by anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. It is keenly demonstrated by the myriad of utterly bizarre, evil, and un-American events now happening right in front of the people on an ever-increasing basis. This is provable to the simplest of minds and by any rational and honest standard of observation or comparison to where we were just a short time ago.

What is happening in America represents an existential crisis, as everything is being turned upside down: the rules are being changed, the fundamentals of life supplanted, liberty removed, rights denied, language altered and bastardized, speech suppressed, truth questioned, reputations destroyed, elections rigged and made insecure where they can be, statistics grossly manipulated to present false narratives, laws inverted or changed to serve wrong agendas, heroes are made into villains and villains into heroes, justice is denied, and justice is perverted, the border removed and illegal immigration encouraged, criminals emboldened, children propagandized, the people incessantly lied to, medical freedom threatened, corporations compromised and strong-armed, the education system subverted, the media corrupted and owned, the treasury looted, God ignored, and the constitution torn asunder.

In short, the very essence of our American way of life – the ability to live free, pursue happiness, and accomplish greatness according to personal initiative and ability is being taken from us by removing the foundations upon which that ability depends.

What we are going through in our country, we have never gone through before… we have only known it from afar or from the history books. This lack of experience explains how it could possibly be that so many millions of Americans – still to this day – have no real working knowledge or understanding of what is happening to them. It explains, in part, how they could have allowed themselves to be almost totally deceived on so many levels and made into passive participants in the destruction of their own country and the taking of their own freedoms.